Friday, October 14, 2011

What Powers Your Pickup Truck?

A friend forwarded an interesting news article about the development of anger-powered automobiles.,26244/

Since anger-powered vehicles would be useless for the far left, kumbaya singing crowd, development of engines powered by compassion, love and hugs would be necessary as well. Of course, one can imagine how the vehicles made for the far right wingers would be powered

1. momentum: enormous size of competitive models compensating for personal performance inadequacies.
2. spin: auto batteries charged by connecting to plugs within "spin rooms" occupied by "spin doctors" spinning ... post-Republican debates excellent power storage potential.
3. confabulation cylinders: unconscious filling in of gaps in the memory of voters by telling imaginary "facts" with easy recharge hookup to Fox HD.
4. ideology: actually a power source for both right and left wing vehicles ... ironically, the more concrete the ideology the more fluid the ride.
5. greed: awesome acceleration with no brakes ... however, good for the environment, economy, churches, hookers, illness, golf game, etc. and all future generation models.
6. selfishness: compact vehicle model for those not yet ready for greed driven vehicles.
7. hummer models: powered by "hum"= human "m"= migration "e"= emigrant "r"= refugees preferably illegals more inclined to run quietly ... power train easily transferable for garden work and house chores. Some interior variations to accommodate interns available.

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