Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Charge of the Right Brigade

From Wikipedia: "Saint Crispin's Day falls on 25 October and is the feast day of the Christian saints Crispin and Crispinian) ... , twins who were martyred c. 286. It is a day most famous for the battles that occurred on it: the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the Battle of Balakava (Charge of the Light Brigade) during theCrimean War in 1854 and the Battle of Leyte Gulf ... in 1944." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Crispin%27s_Day

Shakespeare's "Agincourt" has been appropriately mentioned in this forum in the past but the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaklava strikes me at the moment. A charge toward the wrong objectives, with brash indifference to individual lives, driven by unchained ego and blind nobility, their leaders sent those who were "not to make reply" and "not to reason why" to destruction. Sitting now, tequila in hand, I see the same in the "Charge of the Right Brigade." Whether the destruction may be limited to their Party or extend to the country will have to be seen.. And it is said that the debacle was followed by champagne dinner for the leaders on a waiting yacht. Picture today's gathering at a private club.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Success in Libya

I find it interesting that as President Obama today announced the killing of Gaddafi the President said that it was accomplished "without putting U. S. service members on the ground...." As I suggested some time ago, it seems to me that the statement does not preclude the probability that the CIA's "silent boots" had been a part of the successful effort. Well done.

By the way, I think it is disgraceful the way elected Republican leaders still denigrate the President for his strategic handling of what is a successful revolution in Libya. The President either did too little or too much, acted too late or acted too indirectly or too directly. In the midst of his criticism of the President and while emphatically congratulating England and France, Senator McCain emphasized in an afterthought how "grateful Libyans are" now toward the United States and how we should leverage that fact. Now, just why would they be so grateful to the U.S. if the strategy was wrong.

I suggest to the Republicans that, putting political posturing aside, and standing openly with the President to accept the Libyan appreciation jointly with NATO would be a bold statement to the world and would kick start the leveraging in Libya and greater Africa. After all, it was Congressional funding and Presidential direction that brought this about.

Foreign affairs are not going to be a major aspect of the 2012 election. It will of course be the economy. Accordingly, the denigration of the President now is only harmful to the future prospects of our country overseas and baseless in the internal political struggle. Putting Party loyalty and objectives aside and standing as Americans is probably too much to ask of those within the conservative juggernaut.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Limbaugh's Reality and the Lord's Resistance

A friend suggests that Mr. Limbaugh's defense of the Lord's Resistance Army, a group responsible for horrific atrocities, is proof of Limbaugh's insanity. I disagree

Isn't a definition of insanity the repeating of the same conduct while expecting different results? Limbaugh knows and acts repeatedly in the belief that when he makes an idiotic, false or twisted statement it will be picked up by his loyal and obedient actual-nutcases and take on a life of its own - a depraved but continuing existence. See, for example, http://mediamatters.org/mobile/blog/201110170022 Limbaugh has yet to accurately describe to his audience the L.R.A. or to accept personal responsibility thereby holding a semblance of credibility for his fools. And let's not forget another false assertion made during his broadcast that "Obama has sent troops to another war" intent on support of Muslim factions in Sudan. We have not seen the last of this either.

Even after he was advised on the air of the depravities committed by the LRA he blew on the coals saying: "But nevertheless we got a hundred troops being sent over there to fight these guys -- and they claim to be Christians."

And listen to the end of this brief portion of Limbaugh follow-up http://mediamalpractice.com/mmtv/201110180013 it's all one big laugh -- got that loyal, obedient, actual-nutcases it's just a joke and don't we pass on a good joke. No, my friend, he is not insane.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

What Powers Your Pickup Truck?

A friend forwarded an interesting news article about the development of anger-powered automobiles. http://origin.theonion.com/audio/new-angerpowered-cars-may-revolutionize-the-way-we,26244/

Since anger-powered vehicles would be useless for the far left, kumbaya singing crowd, development of engines powered by compassion, love and hugs would be necessary as well. Of course, one can imagine how the vehicles made for the far right wingers would be powered

1. momentum: enormous size of competitive models compensating for personal performance inadequacies.
2. spin: auto batteries charged by connecting to plugs within "spin rooms" occupied by "spin doctors" spinning ... post-Republican debates excellent power storage potential.
3. confabulation cylinders: unconscious filling in of gaps in the memory of voters by telling imaginary "facts" with easy recharge hookup to Fox HD.
4. ideology: actually a power source for both right and left wing vehicles ... ironically, the more concrete the ideology the more fluid the ride.
5. greed: awesome acceleration with no brakes ... however, good for the environment, economy, churches, hookers, illness, golf game, etc. and all future generation models.
6. selfishness: compact vehicle model for those not yet ready for greed driven vehicles.
7. hummer models: powered by "hum"= human "m"= migration "e"= emigrant "r"= refugees preferably illegals more inclined to run quietly ... power train easily transferable for garden work and house chores. Some interior variations to accommodate interns available.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

A Salute

"We meet 'neath the sounding rafter,
And the walls around are bare.
As they shout back our peals of laughter,
It seems that the dead are there.
Then stand to your glasses steady,
We drink in our comrades' eyes.
One cup to the dead already,
Hurrah for the next man that dies."

World War I song, "Stand to Your Glasses."