Saturday, December 04, 2010

What price "security"?

It is stupid paranoia that is steadily taking our personal freedoms. People don't care about personal freedom as long as they "feel" safe on a flight from Winnemucca to Moline. There is not a terrorist in Winnemucca, Moline, Poughkeepsie, Wyoming, Chicago or even Detroit intent on killing you. There have been psychotics, religious or otherwise, rapists, murderers, gang members, and child molesters living next door or down the street from us for all of our lives. Yet, we had kept our privacy and freedoms. Every time we walk barefoot, wave at a security camera, give up our finger nail clippers, have a law enforcement hand up our crotch, or have the government read or listen to what we say and write - all without objection and resistance - we surrender to terrorism and invite tyranny. Once we relinquish any part of our freedom we must expect that our future, as with our children and grandchildren, will not see a restoration of that freedom. We had all better start acting as citizens and not merely inhabitants of this country. Law enforcement will continue to righteously and aggressively protect us. But they, in all their identities, must not be the definers of the value of our freedom. The ACLU, Christian Coalition, Department of Justice, Republican or Democrat Party or the Muppets cannot nor will not do anything to protect our freedoms unless we all care and act - especially the lawyers among us.