Tuesday, January 31, 2012

West Point Prayer Breakfast & Lt. Gen. Boykin

"Army officer who sparked controversy with remarks on Islam pulls out of West Point address"*

As a renowned institution of higher learning West Point should encourage and facilitate a broad range of perspectives presented to the student cadets. West Point, in its mission of preparing young women and men to be officers in the US Army, should provide education regarding radical views they may encounter in the service. The education should be structured and balanced within course and program context. There are, I expect, ample courses during which Lt. Gen. Boykin could present his defense of his ill-informed, insulting prejudices. The annual, ecumenical prayer breakfast at the Military Academy is not the circumstance for his presence, much less his being honored as a featured speaker. The Academy's administration failed to recognize the hypocrisy, if not the stupidity, of the situation. Three stars on a shoulder is not a blanket free pass.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

West Point Honor Code II

In 1976, the Corps of Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy faced the consequences of a cheating scandal. The junior class had been given take-home assignments in an electrical engineering course. After investigation, some 150 cadets of the class of 1977 were dismissed or had resigned for cheating. Allegations at the time were that possibly half the class had violated the Code. After intense political pressure, the Academy reinstated some 98 of the dismissed cadets. Having taken the relatively identical electrical engineering course (called "Juice") about ten years earlier, I can attest not only to the difficulty of the course but the extreme anxiety cadets felt about the exam.

During my four years the West Point Honor Code stated simply "A Cadet will not lie, cheat or steal." As presented to me as a Plebe: "The Cadet Honor Code requires complete integrity in both word and deed of all members of the Corps of cadets and permits no deviation from those standards....These exacting standards are complied with to the letter, and if any cadet violates them he is immediately discharged from the Corps of Cadets." I was aware during my cadet days of a few outstanding young men who reported their own violations and resigned out of respect for the Corps and and Code. In 1951 some 90 cadets, 37 of whom were football players under Coach Earl Blaik, were dismissed from the Academy. The only change to the Code by 1976 had been the addition of "or tolerate those who do," a corollary that was fully accepted, though unstated, as part of the Code during my time.

The Honor System, suspect and challenged also in 1976, applied the Code within the Corps and has radically changed since those times but the Honor Code remains the standard to be achieved and carried into a career in the U.S. Army and throughout life. It was within the context of my cadet experience and that of an Army officer that I wrote a letter to the editor of the Washington Post when the story of the cadet reinstatement was announced. Politics seemed to have accomplished in 1976 what even the revered Earl Blaik could not in 1951. My letter was published alongside of a letter from a member of the Class of 1942 that expressed the same sentiment and opinion. I have not changed my mind.

There has been no other stimulus to my adding this to my blog other than finding a copy of the letter among some old files.

"Secretary of the Army Martin Hoffman and West Point Superintendent Lt. General Berry, by their lowering of the penalty traditionally and justifiably associated with cheating at the military academy, have seriously undercut the very foundation of the honor code. They have shown that integrity and honesty should be judged not as ideal virtues to be fostered and sought but rather as variables rising only to the level of the average acceptable behavior. That responsibility to a fellowship consisting of not merely a junior class but of those thousands of graduates and former cadets who through mutual agreement, mutual ambition and mutual respect set and maintained personally difficult high standards of integrity, means less than the attainment of selfish personal objectives.

"The harshest indictment should not be now directed at the suspended cadets for I am confident that the majority of them will, in the end, be their own most exacting critic. I suggest that the real evil is not in a system that attempts to uphold the highest standards embodied in the code, nor in those who have transgressed the code, but in the hypocrisy and lack of moral strength evidenced in the governmental officials. The government that decries the lack of personal integrity shown by the Watergate actors, that condemns the practice of bribery by persons in our nation's most successful corporations, and that criminally prosecutes the very consequences of low standards of integrity and honesty - more specifically, the white collar crimes, announces, not a reaffirmation of its demand for the highest personal standards embodied in a code of honor, but rather a politically expedient capitulation."


O God, our Father, Thou Searcher of human hearts, help us to draw near to Thee in sincerity and truth. May our religion be filled with gladness and may our worship of Thee be natural.
Strengthen and increase our admiration for honest dealing and clean thinking, and suffer not our hatred of hypocrisy and pretence ever to diminish. Encourage us in our endeavor to live above the common level of life. Make us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong, and never to be content with a half truth when the whole can be won. Endow us with courage that is born of loyalty to all that is noble and worthy, that scorns to compromise with vice and injustice and knows no fear when truth and right are in jeopardy. Guard us against flippancy and irreverence in the sacred things of life. Grant us new ties of friendship and new opportunities of service. Kindle our hearts in fellowship with those of a cheerful countenance, and soften our hearts with sympathy for those who sorrow and suffer. Help us to maintain the honor of the Corps untarnished and unsullied and to show forth in our lives the ideals of West Point in doing our duty to Thee and to our Country. All of which we ask in the name of the Great Friend and Master of all. - Amen


Monday, January 23, 2012

So, what did you expect?

I have written in this forum about the content and level of rhetoric against President Obama presented and tolerated by the Right. The affects of that continue to reverberate less on the surface yet in a societal subconscious that has cured and hardened over time. The editor of an Atlanta weekly, "Atlanta Jewish Times," proposed a scenario suggesting Israel kill the President. http://www.military.com/news/article/editor-killing-obama-an-option-for-israel.html?ESRC=eb.nl ; I wonder how many Americans may read of this and accept the premise as rational without distinguishing the fundamental evil in it because of their own predisposition against a non-citizen, Muslim, "colored," socialist, "pathetic" person in the office who wants to abandon Israel and destroy America.

An Israeli correspondent is quoted at the end of the article: "I know, and most of you know, that [the editor's] crazy and criminal suggestions are not the ranting of some loony-tune individual and were not taken out of thin air -- but are the inevitable result of the inordinate volume of repugnant venom that some of Obama's political rivals, Jews and non-Jews included, have been spewing for the last three years," I couldn't have said it any better. To be sure, the comments of this editor in Atlanta have been publicly condemned and he has resigned but, we may ask ourselves what the reaction would have been had comparable comments been written and published by the "Atlanta Muslim Times."

As before, I am not speaking of politics, political parties or issues but of the degradation of our culture. There are hundreds of emails floating within the internet that decry the loss of respect of citizen to flag, child to adult, son to father, youth to ambition, etc. within our culture. A good number of those who forward these emails to me, however, follow them with monkey images, "birther" fabrications, and baseless fear-mongering about the man and not his politics. Heck, even "spell-check," while recognizing Reagan, Roosevelt, Clinton, and Bush does not acknowledge "Obama." (No, this is humor and not conspiracy.)

Friday, January 20, 2012

"How do atheists find meaning in life?"

Interesting article by Ms Paula Kirby in the "On Faith" section of the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-faith/post/how-do-atheist-find-meaning-in-life/2012/01/18/gIQAbiFP8P_blog.html?hpid=z11

When describing the "value" of life from her view as an atheist, Ms Kirby appears to focus only on a standard for the life of a single person. Of course, the individual life is worth living well for its own sake and for the benefit of existing beings with or without a divine plan. However, is there no inherent value in humanity as a whole? Is there no responsibility of the individual to the formulation and strengthening of non-divine morality, justice and the betterment of all in the progress of the human race? I believe that the answer is twice, yes, and what a magnificent meaning for the individual life. Even a God should expect no less of a single human or of humanity.